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My name Florence. Age: 18. Classy Companion based in Sandton for the executivesDo you want this girl?

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Autumn Downward DAD Desperate Tiny Takes Step- Dad' s Creampie to End Years of Harassment SCENE opens on eggs cracking inward a pan of bacon. As the eggs sizzle, the videocamera leans out to reveal Andi, a small 18- year- old babe, making breakfast inward the kitchen. Frail aswellas timid, she nervously flips the eggs inadditionto butters some toast spell keeping an optic on the door. The room feels heavy too still until a kitchen timer goes off aswellas makes her bound. At the same time, a door bursts openup inadditionto Fred, herscruffy slob of a step- maleparent, staggers into the kitchen demanding his repast. Andi snaps into submission togetherwith starts preparing his plate. You tincan experience the tension betwixt them. Fred looks his girl upwardly inadditionto downwardly before settling on his chair too waiting for his nutrient. He grabs himself togetherwith leers: Do you know how hard I am right now? After you' re done inward the kitchen, you should comeup over hither inadditionto regain out. I bet you fuck way amend than your ma ever did! How old are you atpresent, eighteen? That' s the ideal age tight little eighteen- year- old cunt. He coughs aswellas wheezes as he talks, catching his breath inward betwixt cat- calls. The morethan he taunts her, the morethan she tries to ignore him, which sets him off. His comments go accusations: What the hell do you think you' re wearing? I told you I wanted to consider some moreskin around this house HEY, are you fifty-fifty listening to me? You meliorate start treating me the way a begetter deserves to be treated! Under her breath, Andi mutters that he isn' t her existent maleparent. When Fred hears this, he slams his fist downwards. What did you say? Andi nervously stutters that Fred is her step- maleparent. His eyes go broad inwards rage: Hear hither, you little cunt. Your dad skipped out on you when you were a baby togetherwith when your mamma died, she left me inward charge. So, do you know what that means? That way, if you want your inheritance, you' re gonna havegot to play nice with me. Aswellas that starts with honor. I' m your daddy atpresent togetherwith daddy likes his cutie to do what she.

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